The LCI Sports Centre is the place for field sports all year round. It is a soccer, football, lacrosse or rugby field. It can be a cricket pitch or ultimate frisbee battleground. The Sports Centre is unique in the community.
The LCI Sports Centre year-round sports field is operated by Field Recreation Inc, a division of Renaissance Codex Inc. Renaissance is building a solid reputation for developing and operating leading recreation facilities in Canada, with a focus on enhanced strong community programming.
The Toronto based company operates, centres in Toronto, Bradford and Belleville

Facility Hours
Monday – Friday: 5:00 pm – 12:00 am (midnight)
Saturday and Sunday: 7:30 am – 12:00 am (midnight)

Facility Features
Artificial Turf
- Improved sliding properties
- Ultra-soft fibre
- Resilient fibre that quickly springs back after being trodden on
What makes the turf different is new technology that uses cryogenic rubber and sand infill with implanted artificial blades of grass, which provides a high-quality playing surface. Older turfs are a form of less durable carpet that is not as safe for players and feels “artificial”.
Under the Dome
Size Matters
The entire 400’ x 200’ field is divided into three 100’ X 200’ playing surfaces. You can book a single section or the entire field. The large unimpeded space means the playing surface is available for all four seasons of the year. In the outdoor season, with the dome removed, the field is a regulation size CFL football field.
Under the Lights
Onsite Staff and Facilities
Staff are onsite and ready to assist if needed. Washrooms and a change room are also onsite.
FIELD RECREATION INC. operates the LCI Sports Centre through a unique partnership with the Toronto District School Board and City of Toronto. Lakeshore Collegiate High School uses the facility on school days while it is booked for community sports in the evening and on weekends.
Recreational Leader
Renaissance is committed to becoming the North American leader in the development and operation of recreational community-based facilities. The company is leading the way in Canada by developing recreational centres with strong innovative programming that have become the heart of the communities they serve. We are known for excellence in developing and operating facilities that meet local needs and contribute to the essence of what it means to be Canadian. The centres usually include innovative community programming that inspires and supports the general wellbeing of youth, families and at-risk groups.
Community Focus
The leadership team at Renaissance is committed to developing strong relationships in each community in which we operate. We have implemented numerous strategies that add value to user and community partnerships.
Contact us for opportunities: [email protected].
Facility Policies
Lightning & Severe Weather Policy
LCI Sports Centre follows the Canadian Soccer Association’s severe weather and lightning policy. All user groups must abide by this policy. If you’re using the fields during the outdoor season and you hear thunder, you must clear the fields and can wait inside the main office area until the weather clears.
Soccer Net Policies
Serious injury can occur as a result of improper use of soccer goals. Under no circumstance should the nets be used in any way other than their intended purpose. There will be no hanging on the goals at any time. Coaches must monitor their players. If you move the soccer nets, they must be returned to their original positions prior to the end of the rental.
Rules & Regulations
Field use is by permit ONLY unless stated otherwise. – Use of the facility is at your own risk – No warmups on the field while it is being used by other users – No swinging or hanging from the nets – No food or beverages on the field – No alcoholic beverages or smoking is permitted on the premises – Licensees are responsible for the conduct of their players and teams – Fighting is not prohibited and may result in a facility ban – No recording or photo taking of users is permitted unless authorized by LCI Sports Centre – LCI Sports Centre is not responsible for lost or stolen items – No pets, other than service animals, are permitted within the fenced in area of LCI Sports Centre – No amplified music permitted unless authorized by LCI Sports Centre
Cancellation Policy
LCI Sports Centre has a no refund policy on cancellations. In the event of a cancellation due to force majeure, management will decide on whether a time credit will be issued to the user group depending on the circumstance. There is no subleasing allowed unless authorized by LCI Sports Centre
Payment Policy
LCI Sports Centre requires payment before every rental. If you have a long term contract, 10% of the entire contract is required up front. For one-time use contracts, you are required to pay before your rental to book the spot. LCI Sports Centre accepts debit, cheques and credit cards. Credit card payments are subjected to a 4% banking fee.
COVID-19 Policies
LCI Sports Centre prioritizes the safety and well-being of our guests and employees.
We have taken enhanced health and safety measures to protect our facility guests:
- Additional cleaning and sanitization processes and elements have been added to cover all areas.
- Signage and reminders for personal hygiene and hand washing have been placed throughout the facility, including all restrooms.
- Increased sanitization of public touch points, such as the revolving door, and personnel air lock
- Washrooms will be cleaned and disinfected more often
- All staff will be required to do a wellness check
However, there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to local health authorities, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By entering the venue, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19, and LCI Sports Centre disclaims any and all liability related thereto.
Anyone coming to LCI Sports Centre must take reasonable precaution before arriving at the facility. You should not be entering the facility if you have:
- Fever (temperature greater than 37.6°C)
- New or worsening cough
- Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
- Sore throat, different from seasonal allergies
- New loss of smell and/or taste
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID19 in the last 14 days
- Traveled internationally in the last 14 days
- If you are considered vulnerable or “at risk” (elderly individuals, immunosuppressed persons and/or individuals suffering from serious health problems)
Furthermore, if you do not have a field booking, or it is earlier than 10 minutes in advance of your reserved field booking, you are not permitted to enter the sports dome.
All participants should wash and disinfect their equipment prior to and after each booking at LCI Sports Centre.
COVID 19 Policies
- The Province of Ontario will allow organized sports to participate in activities with no prolonged or deliberate contact.
- Prior to entering into a rental contract, all rental groups are required to submit an action plan upholding the facility’s, government’s and provincial sport organization’s COVID-related policies.
- The permit holder will be responsible for tracking their group’s attendance for each booking. LCI Sports Centre reserves the right to ask to see the permit holders’ attendance for the purpose of contact tracing.
- No spectators are permitted.
- Parents/spectators are not permitted to congregate in the parking lot. The parking lot will be used as a drop off, and pick-up point only.
- All guests must arrive at the facility a maximum of 10 minutes before their booking and leave immediately after the booking has ended.
- Washrooms will be available for use for only current dome users. Do not expect to use the washroom if you are early for your rental.
- Masks must be worn at all times while in indoor spaces, except for when engaging in activity on a field of play.
- LCI Sports Centre is only accepting bookings made in advance – no drop in play will be permitted at this time.
- User groups are responsible for their own equipment. All equipment should be disinfected prior to arrival. No facility equipment will be loaned.
- Injuries are to be expected during recreational activities and the immediate safety of the player must always remain the top priority, however additional precautions should be practiced when addressing and injury situation. Special care should be taken when addressing small injuries (i.e. handing out bandages). When possible, a coach/supervisor should assist in any care necessary.
- Benches will be removed from the facility, and will only be used if previously discussed with management.
- Nets must NOT be moved from their spots.
Vaccination Policies
When the dome is up and LCI Sports Centre becomes an indoor facility, proof of double vaccination, accompanied by a photo I.D. will be required to enter the facility. Under Ontario regulations the only persons exempt are children under the age of 12.