Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the main office
The main office is located in front of the entry gate to the dome. The main office is where staff are positioned, the washrooms, & the lost & found.
Is there drop-in soccer or free field time?

No. All field usage is by permit only, we currently do not offer drop-in soccer

What are your business hours
LCI Sports Centre is open from 5:00 pm–12:00 am Monday–Friday, & 7:30 am–12:00 am Saturday and Sunday

Our phone line is open from 9:00 am–5:00 pm dally for any questions or inquiries.

How do I rent the field
If you’re interested in renting the field, send an email to: [email protected] with information on your rental.

– How many mini fields would you like to rent
– What time, what date, and if they are flexible
– What is the sport you’d like to play: soccer, softball, etc

Once management gets a hold of your email, they’ll follow up with your inquiry within 1 business day.